Thursday, March 20, 2008

MyStrands Picks up Nokia's Mobile Rules! 2008 Award

Yesterday MyStrands was awarded the best multimedia application at Nokia's annual Mobile Rules! in San Jose. I and two other colleagues accepted the award on behalf of our hard working mobile team in Europe.

The event was very well organized and had equal parts U.S. and European representation. Here are the category winners:

+Multiplayer & Connected Games: Gamica (Netherlands)
+Multimedia: MyStrands (U.S.A & Spain)
+Enterprise: UpCode (Finland)
+Infotainment: Earthcomber (U.S.A.)
+Business Plan: MedApps (U.S.A.)
+Technology Innovation: Tiki'labs (France)

Congrats to all mobile innovators!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget kannuu, who took home first place in Technology Innovation, in the category of Mobile Multimedia.

Best Technology Innovation - Mobile Multimedia
Name of Developer: kannuu Inc.
Application: kannuu
kannuu search technology enables mobile device users to find a result
with lighting speed and accuracy. Relying on elegantly simple Partial Word
Completion(TM) technology, combined with just a joystick or touch screen,
kannuu delivers a fast, seamless and error-free search experience. Instead
of traditional linear methods, kannuu's exponential search algorithm
ensures that as the database gets larger, kannuu becomes more efficient,
requiring fewer clicks to achieve a result. More information is available
online at: